Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Your Health & the Healthcare Industry

The terms integrated and holistic health now include so many different therapies and health modalities that many consumers, patients and doctors alike are getting lost in the maze, or overwhelmed with choices. This Blog has been written to offer information, guidance and opinions on all therapies based on experience, research and inside knowledge. It will also offer advice and information on specific key health concerns such as fertility, cancer, menopause, osteoporosis, PMS, sleep disorders, heart disease, how to lose weight healthily, nutrition and the list goes on.

Let me start with the premise that I believe that your health should be founded on addressing four key areas: Diet & Nutrition, Exercise & Movement, Environment & Lifestyle and Empowerment (this includes emotional and spiritual health as well as attitude to your health and knowledge). This foundation should be aligned with treatment or wellness therapies that are in line your own person health time line, your own belief system and combined to form your own person health plan.

Your own personal health time line relates to your personal health situation at that time. For example if your liver has failed and you need a transplant, dialysis is only going to do so much and milk thistle isn’t an option. However if you aren’t at this critical stage on your own health time line there are a variety of therapies whether they are allopathic or complementary that offer you solutions. Your healthcare choices are very much a personal decision and this Blog will simply put forward options, information and advice based on knowledge and a vast amount of experience by our blogging team. This Blog will also comment on events and realities in the health and natural products industry which being on the “inside” gives us access to and that I think it is important to make known to the public.

The natural products industry we believe is no different to every other industry and is focused on making money. Making money isn’t a bad thing as books like Sacred Commerce discuss. If business creates a win/win/win result for the consumer, employee, company, community, environment and everyone involved. It is when companies, whether consciously or unconsciously, create a win/lose scenarios that business becomes a negative relationship. However fortunately there are a number of individuals and companies that do try to make a difference, have the best quality products and focus on win/win/win results.

One of my personal business philosophy’s is that if you put people before profit, profit will come.

Please leave me your comments and questions and our team will always get back to you.




  1. There's no doubt that we need to feel sure that we're getting the best possible information about our health. How we do that with the plethora of information in this communication age is harder and harder, but hopefully this channel will provide one source of "good stuff". This is increasingly important in an area that is my particular passion - fertility, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. This morning I was contributing to a blog on "is homebirth safe" and it prompted me to think about the preponderance of information from the medical fraternity and how hard it is for women to get the other side of the story.

    In reality, midwives and obstetricians work best together, as a team, with the same objective - a healthy child and mother. I’d like to suggest that this highly desirable and optimal outcome (which should also include a short, straightforward labour requiring no medical intervention) has its foundations well before conception and actually has very little to do with midwives and obstetricians (or Caesarean sections).

    Sadly too few couples recognise the significant part they can play in ensuring an optimal reproductive outcome. This fact has prompted the work in which I have been involved for 25 years and the writing of four books - promoting preconception healthcare as the best means to ensure the physical and mental health of the next generation – but also to ensure that the whole reproductive process from conception, through pregnancy and birth, to bonding, breastfeeding and beyond proceeds smoothly and without the need for medical intervention.

    After all birth is a normal, natural part of life and most women’s bodies entirely up to the task – at least they should be in a society that is optimally nourished – physically, mentally and emotionally. Sadly, a large percentage of modern women are compromised in these departments, so rather than suggest that 30% Caesarean section rate is necessary to ensure the health of mothers and children, it might be useful to ask exactly why this is double the rate that World Health Organization deems acceptable in any area.

    Women deserve thoughtful information and are poorly served by the medical profession's glib comparison of a surgical procedure to a transformative life event. In addition, the evidence continues to mount as to the usefulness or otherwise of Caesarean sections in ensuring a healthy baby.

    I am not one of a “militant minority of midwife activists” but an intelligent, informed and healthy woman who gave birth to two children at home in events that were empowering and life-changing. I'd like to think that more women in Western societies where medicalized birth has become the norm, are able to educate themselves about the normality of childbirth and their part in ensuring that normality!

  2. It's great to be involved with a blog project like this. As a naturopathic doctor, I am constantly educating my patients, medical colleagues, and the general public about the type of medicine I practice.

    There is never a shortages of "thank you's" after spending time educating and empowering these same individuals using the basic principles of naturopathic medicine.

    First Do No Harm - primum non nocere
    Naturopathic medicine uses therapies that are safe and effective.

    The Healing Power of Nature - vis medicatrix naturae
    The human body possesses the inherent ability to restore health.

    Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect - tolle causam
    The origin of disease is removed or treated so the patient can recover.

    Treat the Whole Person - tolle totum
    The multiple factors in health and disease are considered while treating the whole person.

    The Physician is a Teacher - docere
    Creating a healthy cooperative relationship with the patient has a strong therapeutic value.

    Prevention is the best "cure"
    Naturopathic physicians are preventive medicine specialists. Prevention of disease is best accomplished through education and a lifestyle that supports health.

    By applying these principles, everyone wins.

  3. Can't put it any more clearly than that! Absolutely agree about the positive feedback from the individuals that you reach - often with simple things that adversely impact their well being. Frequently they have no idea that it's a cocktail of stressors that bit by bit erode their health. Understanding that and acknowledging the body's amazing ability (with the right support) to look after itself is very empowering.

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