Saturday, May 29, 2010

Maca - as posted on the forum What Nobody Tells You About Maca Root Powder – Dangers And Side Effects

Firstly thank you for your input Nan and Tim. Also I want to make a disclaimer that I am the CEO of Natural Health International and we produce Maca-GO which is the ingredient in Femmenessence our women’s product and Maca-OG the ingredient in Revolution Macalibrium our men’s product. FYI these are NOT normal maca products they are concentrated, pre gelatinized and specific phenotype combinations of maca.

I think this blog is very interesting as it taps into all the good, bad and ugly in our industry in one. The below is not meant to be an advertisement for NHI but instead giving you some real insights into our industry and what we do, to try and do everything right. Our products only cover certain areas of health so I am a consumer just like you and I pick companies apart before I buy their products because I know what they can do if they chose to and are willing to go the extra mile. I am also going to post this on our blog so please feel free to ask me additional questions there.

The first point I would like to address is that statistically in medicine they estimate that no matter what product you use around 5-10% of the population will either have no reaction or an adverse reaction. So straight away even the best product on the planet 1 out of 20 people or even slightly higher it wont work. What we see with many products is even lower - say for example looking at women’s health – Black Cohosh (60% success rate), Red Clover and Soy (45%-55%) and many others which are even lower. Also these success rates fail to point out that while they may be 60% effective (ie 6 out of 10 women they work for) but they may only reduce symptoms statistically significantly eg 50%-60% instead of highly significantly. As an aside Hormone Replacement therapy has a 90% success rate and 80%-100% reduction in symptoms which is why so many women use it. Obviously it has lots of risks but when you see those statistics and understand how people can play with them it gives you an idea of the huge variance between natural products and pharmaceutical products. In relation to Femmenessence (Maca-GO) we had an 84% success rate and highly significant reductions over 80%. The other aspect that isn’t pointed out is which symptoms? Black Cohosh, Red Colver and Soy we see reduce hot flashes and night sweats but in Bio identical and Femmenessence we see changes in mood, vaginal dryness, mood and many other areas of health which relate to hormones.

Secondly who’s research. Let me assure you 99% of ALL research is paid for either directly or indirectly by a company. The question is who conducted the research? Was it a doctor in a clinic who works for the company or was it done by a third party who does not have a financial interest in the success of the product and has their own credibility to consider like a University. How many people was it done on? Did they do pharmacology and toxicology? Was there an ethics commit and credible board determining the methodology? What was the methodology of the trial and was it not just subjective like many herbal clinical trials are – by that I mean was there actually something tangible that we could measure like cholesterol, hormones, bone density instead of just how do you feel? Also was the research actually done on that exact product or someone else’s and they used it. And most importantly where was this research published? Was it in a peer reviewed credible medical journal or just written up by the company. Which third party doctors have then reviewed the research and given positive comments or even use the product with patients? What you will find with maca is nearly all the research was done on someone else’s product and companies are piggy backing off that research. The credible research you will see has been done by Dr Gonzales in Peru primarily on men and Dr Meissner on women. This research has been published in international medical journals. As an aside we had an ethics commit of over 12 experts in Europe, our trial was conducted by the Institute of Medicinal Herbs in Europe and our double blind placebo controlled clinical trial was conducted on hundreds of women measuring every hormone from estrodiol, progesterone, LH, FSH, thyroid etc to lipid, cholesterol, bone density and all menopausal symptoms. It was conducted at three geographically displaced hospitals with different socio economic groups. The research has been published in Menopause (which is published by the North American Menopause Society and group funded by mainstream and pharmaceutical companies which as you can imagine would be very discerning of natural products like ours) also Pharmacology and Toxicology and the International Journal of Biomedical Science. Taking it even further some of the most influential doctors in women’s health in the world have reviewed it and written about it such as Dr Christiane Northrup (Oprah’s Women’s Health expert), Dr Tori Hudson regarded as the top Naturopathic Doctor in the US for women’s health, Dr Toru Tabei in Japan, Dr Maryon Stewart in the UK and Jan Roberts best selling author, practitioner and expert in fertility in Australia.

Thirdly as Tim has emphasized where do the companies get their products? Most of the companies in our industry are marketing companies. They don’t do their own research, don’t have their own manufacturing and don’t grow their own herbs. Know who you are getting products from and where they get their products. Also are they organically certified, kosher, GMP, fair trade etc. depending on your beliefs and what is important to you. Natural Health International is vertically integrated in that we have our own fields, manufacturing and control the whole process. We are USDA, European Union and Japanese Organically certified as well as GMP, Kosher and Halal. We have joint ventures and mutually beneficial relationships in every country where we co own with the local people all operations. We value add in each country instead of exporting simple raw materials which increases the revenue into those countries and creates industries not just trade.

And finally what are the claims companies made based on? Which products, what research or what anecdotal evidence. In relation to maca anecdotally we have seen that if Peruvian’s with their genetics and gastro intestinal profile consume cooked, high quality maca, in food amounts (ie higher doses) for extended periods of time ie years - yes their hormones will be in balance (although there is no scientific evidence of this), they will experience improved fertility, energy and health. What we have seen with American’s is that generally they will see the same benefits (if they take it longer term as mentioned above) with the caveat that SOME will have gastro intestinal reactions, some will have other adverse reactions, some need much lower doses, many have other conditions which need to be addressed first. The important fact to point out is NO research on normal maca has been able to prove scientifically effects on hormones in peri and post menopausal women, increases in bone density, improvements in cholesterol and lipids except Maca-GO (Femmenessence). Why? We believe that to date the combinations of maca types used have been focused on men’s health, low concentrations and low bio availability. This doesn’t mean that we wont have research from other companies in the future like ours, it is just to date no one has been able to mirror our results which is why we have doctors, pharmacists and medical groups talking about and using Femmenessence and such mixed results with normal maca. But again as mentioned Femmenessence is only 84% effective which means 3 women out of 20 it doesn’t work for or have reactions.

I hope this information helped. I am definitely trying to get our information out there because I too believe this is an amazing herb and don’t want people to be disheartened if they get the wrong product for them. Personally I believe any women wanting to use maca for women’s health issues should use Femmenessence (there is one for younger, peri and post menopausal women). Any woman or man wanting to increased energy and a general super food for smoothies look to an organic, gelatinized maca powder specifically black maca as Tim pointed out. Any man with low hormone levels and cardiovascular health – Revolution macalibrium.


James Frame
Natural Health International


  1. Hi James
    You are absolutely correct which is why I have been educating about your products for the last 3 years in Asia. Against all odds, we have very good positive result, if not 100%.

    If you ever get a chance to visit us in Singapore or Australia, every pack sold to these ladies and has helped them enormously. I am sure they will love to meet you one if you are ever flying into Singapore or Australia.

    I had suggested writing their feedback, but they are rather sensitive about being testimonials writers’ coz of their status in their work. However consistent results have been excellent. This is why our purchases had been consistent from these ladies.

    James, your work in this field is greatly appreciated in our little red dot in centre of Asia.

    Warmest regards
    Reginald Lee

  2. Thank you for your kind words Reginald we are so glad to hear how well women are feeling in Singapore from the use of Femmenessence.

    We have started to put more information up on our facebook page where you might like to follow us and any women who use Femmenessence.

    We are always updating it with information and research.


