Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Curcumin and Knee Osteoarthritis

One-hundred and seven patients with primary osteoarthritis of the knee were studied and included those with knee pain on a scale of at least a 5-10 in intensity, radiographic osteophytes and at least one of the following features: > age 50, morning stiffness < 30 minutes in duration and crepitus on motion. The majority of the individuals were overweight women with a BMI > 25. Study individuals were asked to discontinue their knee pain medications and were randomized to either ibuprofen 400 mg twice daily or Curcuma domestica extract, 500 mg four times daily for 6 weeks.

Fifty-two patients received C. domestica extracts and 55 patients received ibuprofen with 45 patients in the curcuma and 46 patients in the ibuprofen group completing the study. The mean scores of pain on level walking, pain on stairs, and functions of the knee were significantly improved when compared with the baseline values in both groups. There were no significant differences in those measurements between the patients receiving ibuprofen and C. domestica extracts, except pain on stairs was more favorable with curcumin and a greater degree of moderate to high degree of satisfaction with treatment in the curcumin group (90.1%) vs. 82.8% in the ibuprofen group. There was a bit better compliance with the ibuprofen at twice daily than the curcumin four times daily, but there were no patients who reported dissatisfaction in the curcumin group.

by Dr Tori Hudson

For more Blogs by Dr Hudson go to


Kuptniratsaikul V, Thanakhumtorn S, Chinswangwatanakul P, et al. Efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in patients with knee osteoarthritis. J alternative and Complementary Medicine 2009;15(8): 891-897

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Organic Foods Versus Non Orgnaic - the latest research

I want to premise this by saying that the below ONLY relates to fruit and vegetables. As Michael Pollan’s best selling book the Omnivore’s Dilemma points out organic animal farming in the United States is in many cases as bad if not worse than conventional farming from a health standpoint, let alone an ethical one. Grass feed (NO vegetarian feed is NOT the same as you can see from lots of the Whole Foods Market recent postings) and free range are the terms you want to look for when shopping for meat and eggs which show similar results to the below.

You know there is often a lot of debate around organic versus non organic fruit and vegetables, especially due to the higher cost. As has been shown some pesticides have carcinogenic properties and on a more subtle note they also have compounds which inhibit our body’s ability to absorb some of the minerals in food. On top of this we are also starting to see (as this study is evidence) that the nutritional benefits in organic foods far outweigh non organic most probably due to the health of the soil and different farming methods. As an example a study our medical team often quotes by Rutgers University showed that non organic spinach had 2% the level of iron found in organic spinach. Now if we start to look at food from a functionality or nourishing perspective (not just to satiate our hunger) and look at it as fuel for our engine, then the quality of what we put in becomes extremely important (not to mention removing the impurities mentioned before from pesticides).

Commercially speaking if the organic spinach mentioned above was a fuel and had 50x the concentration of its competitor we would not balk at paying an additional 20%. In fact economically we would still see a cost benefit from paying 5000% more! If we starting looking at food slightly differently and asking the question:

“Will this taste good and feed my hunger? Will it do anything bad to my body? And how much good proportionately will it do compared to that cheaper version?” In many cases our purchase decision will change. I know now I personally can’t even buy anything non organic because I know what they put in there and because if I am going to eat something I want the ultimate health benefit from it…. And my monies worth!

But that isn’t were the benefit ends. By moving your purchase dollar to organic farming we start to impact our planet. Like everything it comes down to money, but if food starts to be valued on nutrition or quality versus quantity farmers (as many of them already are) will need to pay attention. There is a reason Walmart has moved to Organic! And from a more universal perspective we start to see the perfection in the process where by nourishing the soil, not polluting the crops with chemicals we not only get healthier food but improve our environment. When we truly look at it long term and from everyone’s mutual benefit it is not only a logical solution but perfect.

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By James Frame

Monday, September 6, 2010

How Hormones Affect Heart Health for Women

While many women know that cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke) is the number one cause of death in women in the United States, most do not know how significant it is. If you add the 2nd, 3rd and 4th causes of death together they do not add up to the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease. Another important detail is that this increased risk does not really become a factor until a certain stage in life called menopause. Consequently, the majority of women go from having a very low risk of cardiovascular disease throughout their life until menopause, when it jumps significantly.

So why such a big jump in risk? What happens at menopause?

You are still eating the same foods, doing the same amount of exercise, and taking the same supplements! Many women can attest that more often it is not until they reach menopause that issues related to cholesterol, blood pressure or body weight become a concern. It begs the question, what happens?

It is the body’s declining production of hormones that significantly affects a woman’s health.

Due to the Women’s Health Initiative results in 2002 indicating that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) could increase the risk of breast cancer and stroke, many women have been concerned about hormones in general. HRT was introduced over 40 years ago by doctors who knew the importance of a woman’s own hormones on health and believed that re-introducing them into the body, either synthetic or equine formulation, was the best way of reversing the ill effects from loss of hormones. Since then, we have seen that foreign hormones introduced into the body may have side effects, as well as concern over the amount of hormones introduced into the body, the form of administration and/or how long they should be taken. Another issue is the body needs to metabolize foreign hormones in order to make them available; consequently this can have an impact on liver and kidney function, in essence inversely affecting our body’s ability to detoxify. Also HRT is often just two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. It is typically not a patient-specific combination of all the hormones, which a woman may need.

What is understood and accepted is that throughout our life the body’s OWN hormones have supported a healthful state. This ability to support the body’s production of hormones is what makes Femmenessence so unique and exciting. Without introducing hormones into the body, it naturally supports the body’s own production of not one or two hormones, but ALL hormones.

So what do our own hormones do:

• Estrogen increases HDL “good cholesterol,” which reduces plaque build up and possible blockage in arteries.

• Estrogen reduces LDL “bad cholesterol,” which can cause plaque build up and possible blockages in arteries.

• Estrogen also maintains the elasticity of arteries and blood vessels. Triglycerides may contribute to hardening of the arteries or thickening of the artery walls, which increases the risk of heart disease.

• Progesterone protects arteries from spasms. Women’s arteries are much smaller than a man’s and spasms of heart arteries can adversely affect blood flow to the heart.

• Adrenal hormones like cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA, affect sleep, energy, hair growth, muscle growth, and weight just to name a few. Adrenal fatigue and the biological effects of stress, mediated by hormones produced in the adrenal glands, plays a major role in obesity and its deadly consequences, including inflammation, insulin resistance, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other conditions that together constitute “metabolic syndrome.”

• Thyroid Hormones control how quickly the body burns energy, makes proteins and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.

Not only does Femmenessence™ create the optimal hormone balance by positively impacting estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, adrenal levels, and reducing FSH levels, but in our double blind placebo controlled clinical trials we saw it increase HDL, reduce LDL, reduce body weight, reduce triglycerides, and empirically we have seen it improve blood pressure from long term use.

It is important to note that there is no such thing as a magic bullet and Femmenessence isn’t the sole answer. Exercise, healthy diet and emotional support are also important. Dr Christiane Northrup in the Wisdom of Menopause talks about the part emotional stress plays in this equation. “Emotions such as depression, anxiety, panic, and grief have been shown to cause constriction in blood vessels, thereby impeding the free flow of blood. And anything that causes constriction in your blood vessels makes your heart and your vessels work harder to do their job. I’ve seen happy, joyful women with high cholesterol counts live healthy lives into their eighties and nineties, while much younger women whose lives were characterized by depression, anxiety, or hostility might have the first sign of heart disease symptoms in their early fifties despite normal cholesterol levels.”
Using Femmenessence™ for 3-4 months continuously should be the first step in creating the balance that promotes a healthy heart. Ideally it would be combined with emotional support, a stress reduction therapy like meditation, and a top quality fish oil, Niacin, and possibly CoQ10 .

• Fish Oil: Decreases the risk of irregular heartbeats that can lead to sudden cardiac death. Improves blood vessel function, decreases triglyceride levels, lowers blood pressure, and decreases the growth rate of plaques that clog arteries.

• CoQ10: Used mainly in heart conditions: congestive heart failure (CHF), heart attack, heart valvular disease and heart muscle disease.

• Niacin: Very effective in supporting lipid levels.

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