While many of us thought that paying $5 for a tasty herbal
beverage was the real mental disorder, we’ll have to wait for the next
psychiatric manual for that diagnosis because a new one is on the table.
If you are a committed coffee drinker or enjoy a few too many
caffeinated sodas or drinks on the weekends and are considering modifying your
habits, your morning routine and entire world as you know it now has new
implications. You may be crazy.
The DSM-V (American Psychiatric
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders version five) has a quirky new diagnosis that may affect
you. It is called withdrawal from caffeine intoxication. The diagnosis
is well meaning. People who consume 250 mg of caffeine can experience caffeine
intoxication and can fundamentally change their brain chemistry and the
withdrawal period of this drug, yes drug, is now a listed and recognized
diagnostic mental disorder. How much is 250 mg?
12 ounces
(Tall) Starbucks Coffee
ounces of green tea, brewed for 3 minutes
ounces of most sodas (5 – 20 ounce bottles)
ounce cans of most energy drinks
ounces of 5-Hour Energy (contains about 208 mg)
Caffeine-related disorders include
intoxication which first made it into the DSM-IV in 2011 with symptoms of restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia,
flushed face, excessive urination (diuresis), gastrointestinal
disturbance, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, tachycardia
or cardiac arrhythmia, periods of inexhaustibility or unintentional
motion (psychomotor agitation).
Caffeine withdrawal and its inclusion as a mental disorder started
rumbling almost 10 years ago when an article appeared in Psychopharmacology
where researchers from American University (Washington, DC a bastion of
caffeine consumption) wrote about the symptoms of withdrawal including
With a list of
symptoms like this, I’m starting to believe this should be included in the
manual. They go on to say “the incidence of headache was 50% and the incidence
of clinically significant distress or functional impairment was 13%.” Those are
high numbers for withdrawal from a widely available, freely distributed, and
highly utilized drug.
During the first few days of
withdrawal, those who drop caffeine cold turkey display all of the tell-tale
signs of an addict. They often search for every version of “coffee-methadone” they
can find. Yes, the symptoms are transient, but they are intense. Headache and
irritability top the symptom list.
What is interesting to me is that they noted that
these symptoms of caffeine withdrawal tend to occur 12-24 hours after
the high and continue for 2-9 days.
And this may come as no shock, but the higher the
daily dose of caffeine, the worse the symptoms. What I found really curious is
that symptoms were caused by doses as low as 100 mg. They concluded, mind you,
this is 2004, “The caffeine-withdrawal syndrome has been well characterized and
there is sufficient empirical evidence to warrant inclusion of caffeine
withdrawal as a disorder in the DSM and revision of diagnostic criteria in the
ICD.” It is 2013 and now it is included. So instead of being shocked, maybe we
should be appalled at how long this inclusion took!
There is a take home point. For those who are embarking upon a new
detoxification program, a new health habit, or simply shifting your gears in
relation to the food, supplements, or medications you are using, please
remember that it is not always the addition of a substance that causes
symptoms, but it can also be the removal of substances that causes symptoms (or
improvements). So, don’t just tell your healthcare practitioner what you started to
fix your problem, but also tell them what you stopped.
Juliano LM, Griffiths RR. A critical review of caffeine withdrawal: empirical
validation of symptoms and signs, incidence, severity, and associated features.
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2004 Oct;176(1):1-29. Epub 2004 Sep 21.
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